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film image中文是什么意思

用"film image"造句"film image"怎么读"film image" in a sentence


  • 胶片影象
  • 影片映像


  • The integration of pictorial composition into film images
  • Optical printing ratios for enlargement and reduction of motion - picture film images - specification
  • Wrong - reading film images are read from right to left when the film is viewed from the base side
  • This film has been seen by millions of people at imax theaters worldwide and features incredible sound and film images
  • There are three important parts in this thesis : medical films image acquisition , dicom files parsing and construction and dicom files archiving
    论文主要涉及三个方面:医学胶片图像的采集、 dicom文件解析与构造和dicom文件归档。
  • All the above observations crystallise into one remark : jupiter is totally in love with film . such passion can be found in all his film images
  • The film uses images captured by the solar and heliospheric observer soho to generate film images for the giant screen , providing audiences with a spectacular sense of actually being there
  • Cinematography - common to more than one film gauge - printing - specification for optical printing ratios for enlargement and reduction of motion - picture film images
  • Non - destructive testing . industrial neutron radiography . determination of the speed and average contrast of silver based film image reception systems using electrons with an energy less than 200 kev
  • Document width sensing automatically selects the right frame size . filmed images are always upright for reading at ease . frames can be precisely identified with frame number , time , date or other information
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"film image"造句  
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